Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco


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Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco

Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco is one of the simplest forms of hash to create. It requires minimal equipment and processing input, yet it has the potential to stand beside Bubble Hash as a quality solventless source material for rosin. But just because making Dry Sift Hash is simple, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy. Especially if superior quality is your aim.

Sifting dried and cured cannabis material allows us to separate and isolate trichome heads from their stalks, thereby capturing the highest-potency aspects of the cannabis plant. Dry sifting is a purely mechanical process, using your two hands and a set of specialty screens designed for the purpose.

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No solvents are used for extraction. It’s simpler than bubble hash, as it doesn’t require the washing and drying process, or supplies like a sprayer, multiple work buckets, ice, etc.

The objective of sifting, or sieving as it’s also called, is to knock the trichome heads free of the stalks upon which they grow and mature. As the trichome heads are liberated from their stalks, they become small enough to pass through the tiny holes in the sifting screens. While the plant material remains above the screen, trichomes rain down through the screen where they can be easily collected. Dry sift hash is the original solventless cannabis concentrate. The high concentrations of cannabinoids and terpenes make dry sift hash a premium source material to use for pressing rosin.

By itself, the highest quality dry sift hash is able to melt or vaporize completely, which is an indication of it’s purity and potency. It’s possible to achieve a full-melt hash using dry sifting techniques, without the additional equipment, time, and labor to wash Bubble Hash.

History of Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco

Hand-rubbed Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco is the first known form of hashish, and sieving came later. Hand-rubbed hash is the simplest hash and involves collecting sticky trichomes directly from the hands after handling trichome-rich cannabis. In Morocco this type of hash is referred to as Gomma, the most ancient form of hash known. In India it’s referred to as Rubbed Charas.

While hand-rubbing Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco was almost certainly practiced as early as the Neolithic Era (end of the Stone Age!), sieving cannabis is a relatively new method of creating hash, coming onto the scene just in the last 70-80 years. This modern innovation of isolating and collecting cannabis resin is less labor intensive, offers higher yield, greater potential potency, better purity, and a longer shelf life than its hand-rubbed comparison. It’s clear that innovations of the late 20th century around dry sifting cannabis were a significant step in the evolution of solventless cannabis concentrates.

The first methods of creating Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco involved collecting trichomes directly from the floor. Harvested and dried cannabis plants were deliberately handled over a clean carpet and then carefully collected. This was known as “carpet collection” and was common even into the 1960’s.

From simple carpet collection came the method of dry sifting with screens that we use today. Solventless cannabis concentrates and their methods of extraction have always evolved with new technology and greater understanding of the cannabis plant. Today, the innovation is as exciting and transformative as it ever has been.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Pressing Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco

While the Ice Water Extraction Method and resulting Bubble Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco represent the newest developments in the world of hash production, dry sift hash still offers compelling advantages for both home and commercial extractors.




  • Makes great use of trim material that’s too dry for bubble hash production
  • Requires minimal equipment and operating space
  • Low energy input required for production, just the smooth and steady motion with your hands across the sifting screen
  • No lifting of heavy ice/water/cannabis bags to drain water as is required with washing bubble hash. Minimal strain on the back and neck.
  • Less time-consuming than washing bubble Dry StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco, especially considering that dry sift hash doesn’t have to undergo the drying process after extraction
  • Significantly purer and potent per gram than flowers as a source material for rosin


  • More difficult to achieve full melt grades of  StaticSift  90u Eggs Hash Morocco than bubble hash
  • Sift likely contains more plant contaminants than bubble hash, depending on how it was processed
  • It’s much harder to create 5&6-star dry sift hash. But pressing sift into rosin can overcome the disadvantage, as even a 3-4-star sift is capable of producing top shelf rosin

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